Year 5 – 18/11/22
This morning, 6 of our Year 5 children did the class proud by giving speeches in assembly centred around the theme of leadership. This was a practice for what will be an oracy event at the Wyllyotts Theatre next week. They spoke passionately, clearly and held their audience really well – very well done!
Today marked the end of Anti-Bullying Week, so the school celebrated by having Friendship Friday, in which Year 5 enjoyed sharing karate and Golden Time with Year 2.
Home learning this weekend:
Spelling | Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-able’ and ‘-ible’
dependable reliable comfortable possible understandable horrible reasonable terrible enjoyable incredible |
Advent Service | Please learn the words in bold on this blog post off by heart. |
Have a great weekend!
Miss Donatantonio