Year 2 Blog Week 6

This week we welcomed Mr Cowan to Year 2. Mr Cowan is a trainee teacher from St. Mary’s University. He will be teaching and learning with us for the next term. We hope he is very happy with us in Year 2 and we wish him a successful teaching practice placement.

The children have been working hard during their reading sessions and they have been concentrating on answering inference questions. This month we are enjoying the stories of the award winning writer – Sir Michael Morpurgo. So far we have read Fox Friend, This Morning I met a Whale and The Black Queen. They have been suspenseful stories and they do not always have a happy ending.166398-ml-1394408

Year 2 were in full voice as they joined Year 3 to practise hymns for our celebration day.IMG_2681

We ended the week with a wonderful day of celebrations for St. Paul VI. We enjoyed a very special assembly about the staff pilgrimage to Rome and the canonization Mass. Everyone received a beautiful St. Paul VI prayer card to share with family and friends. After extra play and a Fairtrade treat, Year 2 created their own flags of the Vatican City. We gathered on the playground at the end of the day and waved our flags as doves were released. A beautiful moment and a lasting memory.IMG_2692





Home Learning: Spellings Week 6. One World Week project on Kenya.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Davey