Year 2 Blog Week 37

Who rocks the house?
There were lots of cheerleaders on hand this year to warm-up for Sports Day 2019! Following a fabulous dance routine Year 2 took to the field to take part in the KS1 Sports Day. The children showed off their throwing skills at the beanbag station and there was plenty of concentration required for the egg and spoon race. The children conveniently finished up at the refreshment station where they enjoyed some refreshing orange slices. Congratulations to St. Bernadette House, the overall winners of KS1 Sports Day 2019.


One of the highlights  of the week was harvesting our potatoes and onions. We had a bumper crop of potatoes and our onions were enormous!

After digging up our potatoes and onions there was only one thing left to do…. get them into the oven to roast! They were delicious!!!!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Davey