Year 2 Blog Week 34

It has been an action packed week for the Year 2 crew. This week, we have focused on the scourge of the Seven Seas….. PIRATES! The children used plenty of great adjectives to describe these wicked and wily robbers, these outlaws of the oceans. Everyone came to the same conclusion… Never trust a pirate … unless his name is Bobby Shafto. Year 2 have had great fun learning about sea shanties and are in the middle of preparing their performances of Bobby Shafto’s Gone to Sea. Watch this space.IMG_2050

Year 2 have also been looking at measure in maths. The children completed an outdoor measurement maths trail and worked with their Year 3 learning partners to find out different measurements. It was great fun and there was lots of wonderful collaborative learning going on!IMG_2003 IMG_2004 IMG_2006 IMG_2012IMG_2034 IMG_2038 IMG_2040 IMG_2041 IMG_2043 IMG_2044

Year 2 also enjoyed playing some team games on the field. There were wonderful tactics used during our game of rounders. IMG_2000 IMG_2001 IMG_2002

This week we started our transition routines. The children have been reflecting on their time in Year 2 and have written up some of their favourite memories from the year in their Transition books. The children have also been thinking about what they are looking forward to in Year 3. To support the transition to Year 3, Home Learning will be set on our blog pages. See below for the Home Learning for this week.

Home Learning

Mathletics: Measure – Mass, Capacity and Temperature Apostrophes and Commas

Spellings: Common Exception words

  1. whole
  2. hour
  3. eye
  4. busy
  5. clothes
  6. pretty
  7. half
  8. parents
  9. improve
  10. beautiful

Spelling test next Friday 29th June

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Davey