Year 2 Blog Week 33

This term, in R.E. we are learning all about Discipleship. The children have been thinking about what it means to be a disciple and they have identified everyday disciples at home, at school and in our community. We looked at the calling of the first disciples from the Gospel of St. Mark. The children created a beautiful display for our Sacred Space in our classroom and produced some fantastic retellings of Jesus calling his disciples. IMG_1996

We have continued our learning on our Land Ahoy topic. This week, the children used charcoal to create some impressive Titanic artwork. Everyone enjoyed using the charcoal to create different tones and textures.   IMG_1989 IMG_1990 IMG_1991 IMG_1992 IMG_1993 IMG_1994 IMG_1995

I am really looking forward to seeing all of your Land Ahoy themed projects. I have heard whisperings of hover crafts. pirate ships and treasure islands. For more information on this Home Learning project see blog post 32.            *** Reminder! If you have not handed in your Reading records…. please ensure you bring them in on Monday.

Happy Father’s Day!


Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Davey