Year 2 Blog Week 23

The children brought their favourite Bible characters to life this week as we celebrated World Book Day and The Year of the Word.  All of the costumes were brilliant and Year 2 proudly showed off their costumes at a whole school assembly.  After assembly we had great fun discussing our favourite stories and authors. It was wonderful to hear the children talking about books and reading with such enthusiasm.

This week the children put their science hats on and looked at different materials and their properties. We know that some materials are chosen for specific uses based on their properties. Plastic can be thin and transparent or thick and opaque.  The children investigated the flexibility of different plastic bottles. The results were very interesting.

In other news… we received a very special parcel in the post… A beautiful butterfly growing kit. We prepared the butterfly larvae and we are looking forward to observing the changes over the next few weeks.

Home Learning:

Spellings: Rule 12

flying, fried, cried, crying, trying, tried, replied, replying

Common exception words: any, break, beautiful, fast, father

Please find attached the Childnet Film Competition 2020 consent forms. Please sign and return if you are happy for your child to take part.

Have a restful weekend!

Miss Davey