Year 2 Blog 30/04/2021
We don’t like cricket…. oh no.. We LOVE it!
The children have been learning about batting and fielding in their P.E. lessons this week. There was wonderful team-work on display in our Rounders games and a number of home-runs! Everyone really enjoyed their Cricket taster session this week. We loved it and we can’t wait to play some more cricket!
In Maths, we have been learning about fractions of amounts. We have been focusing on three quarters of an amount. The children have worked very well ensuring that when they are sharing out amounts, the amounts are the same. We had a tasty Maths lesson during the week which involved some chocolate buttons and plenty of fantastic fractions!
In English, we have started planning our own animal adventure stories. We have taken inspiration from The Hodgeheg story. Watch this space!
Home learning:
Please see the school newsletter for the Whole School Science Home Learning project.
Have a wonderful Bank holiday weekend. See you on Tuesday.
Miss Davey