Year 2 Blog 12-03-2021

It has been a joyful week in school. It has been wonderful to welcome all the children back into the classroom. We have spent the week focusing on our Wellbeing. We have been learning about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing: Connecting with others, Learning new things, being Active, Noticing the world around us and Giving to others.

We Reconnected as a Year 2 class with a special Act of Worship at the beginning of the week and took time to notice the beautiful signs of spring all around us. We have enjoyed getting active with the Golden Mile.  We have been learning all about inventions and famous inventors for British Science Week, most notably John Boyd Dunlop, the inventor of the pnuematic tyre.

The children brought their favourite characters to life this week as we celebrated World Book Day. All of the costumes were brilliant and it was wonderful to hear the children talking about their characters and books with such enthusiasm.

Home Learning:

Whole School Home Learning on St Joseph.  Please see the school newsletter.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother’s Day.

Miss Davey