Year 1 Week Beginning 6.1.25

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a joyful and restful Christmas break; the children have come back full of excitement and wonderful stories.

This week, Year 1 have been focussing on the story of the Epiphany during RE and Celebration of the Word times. On Tuesday, the class joined the rest of the school for a special assembly where they got to wear their Epiphany crowns.

In RE, the class enjoyed retelling the Epiphany through role play, and demonstrated their understanding by writing their own versions of the story and making Epiphany themed cards.

In English this week, Year 1 began a new unit of learning based on a short film called Dangle. They used ambitious vocabulary in descriptive writing and had lots of opportunities to develop oracy skills through discussion and debate, with both talk partners and as a whole class. Please ask your child to tell you about the rules for discussion that we are embedding, alongside the rest of the school.

In Phonics this week, the class have been revising all sounds and common exception words (tricky words) taught so far.

In Maths, Year 1 have been learning about subtraction. In Art, the class continued exploring spirals and in PE, they began their new animal themed dance unit!

Spelling games have been set on Spelling Shed- Words with the split digraph ‘a_e’.

Please continue to revise all learnt sounds taught so far, particularly the new Phase 5 ones.

New sounds will begin to be taught again on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team