Year 1 Summer Week 5 w.b. 16.05.2023
This week Pope Paul has come together to pray and reflect for Spirituality week. On Monday, Year 1 met with their Year 4 prayer partners to share a prayer for each other. On Tuesday, Year 1 learned a technique called ‘prayer through colour’ and designed their own prayerful picture. On Wednesday, they explored the school grounds in search for signs of God’s creations. On Thursday, they reflected at the prayer stations which were led by Year 5. On Friday, they all met in a morning assembly to reflect on their Spirituality Week. Thank you to Miss Donatantonio for organising all the activities and resources for the week.
Year 1 worked so hard this week to produce their final pieces of writing on ‘How to wash a Woolly Mammoth’. It will be sent home next week so they can share it with you. We will start our poetry unit next week.
Year 1 have been continuing to learn about multiplication and division and this week focused on how to represent them through arrays. Please see the additional homelearning that has been sent to show you how Year 1 are to set it out and use this method.
The children enjoyed their second to last lesson with Mrs Poyiadzis as they went out to explore the local area. Next week they will be creating a map of their route and identifying physical and human geography features. After half term, they will begin their Seaside Geography unit. There are two spare parent spaces for the school trip on Thursday 15th June. If you would like to join us, please may you let me know on Monday morning and then I can randomly select two parents, if there are more than two wanting to come.
-Mathletics multiplication arrays has been set
-Spelling/ sounds revision- ure (picture, future and adventure) Available on Spelling Shed
-Phonic screening revision available at: and (First 3 games are free)
-Please remember to bring reading books in daily.
Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend and I will see you our last week before half term on Monday!
Miss Lambie
Wednesdays- P.E. kits for Swimming- GIRLS NO TIGHTS or LEGGINGS PLEASE
Friday- P.E. kits