Welcome To Year 5

I hope you all had a wonderful summer. Our first few days in Year 5 have flown by and we have already gotten to grips with our new topics. We have begun exploring Scandinavia by using atlases and identifying the location of the countries, their capitals and closest bodies of water.







Year 5 have also begun their learning on space and I was impressed by how many of them could name the planets and tell me their order from the sun. We built on this knowledge by investigating their relative size and distance from each other using fruits. The children made excellent observations about the differences between rocky and gas planets.


For our first English unit this year, we have become poets. Year 5 have been streamlining their use of language by using fewer words and focusing on using more precise vocabulary. They have also communicated this learning by performing some paired poems based on a scene from Planet Earth II.

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In R.E, we have been thinking about our school mission prayer and what it means to us. We have investigated where the beliefs have come from by looking at scripture.

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I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you at ‘Meet the Teacher’ on Monday at 3pm.

Mrs Lines

3 replies
  1. Elysia
    Elysia says:

    I really enjoyed learning about space and planets, now I know how to put them in order. I am very happy to be back at school to learn new things!

  2. MARIA
    MARIA says:

    I was so happy to meet my friends and my new teacher.
    I’m so happy to be in year 5 and I look forward to learn more about planets!!!


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