Week three

We have combined our problem solving and computing skills in PE this week by hunting for images taken around the school and taking pictures of ourselves next to the objects. It was great fun – what resourceful beavers and fantastic (team work) ants we are!

In topic the children have also become archaeologists and investigated some fossilized Stone Age ‘poo’ in order to find out what Stone Age people ate. This as you can imagine caused quite a stir!

We have learnt how the three types of rock, sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous are formed  in our science lessons. Using starburst to demonstrate the changes that occur when pressure and heat are applied. I was very impressed with the children’s focus in this lesson.

During RE we have been looking closely at the Trinity and Adoration – taking time reflect and give thanks to The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit – the children have shown real reverence.

Please find information about this weeks home learning in your child’s home learning pack. Comprehension, mathletics, spag.com and spelling activities have been set. The full spelling list for the term can be found on our class page under ‘resources’.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle


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