Week Beginning 19.4.21 Reception

It has been a very busy and exciting start to the new term!

For the past two weeks, the children have been focussing on farm life and the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. This all began with a letter that Reception received from some local goats in Potters Bar. They claimed to be having problems with an unreasonable troll, who was being particularly mean and not letting them cross their bridge. They asked the children for some urgent help. The class wasted no time at all designing and making new troll proof bridges and thinking of creative ways to cross the river safely. The children have also been very busy writing their own versions of the story, role playing and hot seating the different characters, making puppets, painting pictures, creating clay models, making and playing with masks and writing apology letters from the troll!

In Religion, the class have been learning about some of the Resurrection stories and demonstrating their own understanding through a number of different creative ways.

This week, Reception had a fantastic time getting to know all of the visiting farm animals. Everyone decided unanimously, that they couldn’t possibly choose a favourite, as they were all so cute! Grace and Matilda said that it was the best day of their lives and everyone else agreed! The experience inspired the children to do lots of fabulous drawing and writing about the animals they saw.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team