Week 3 November 22nd




We joined with Fr Shaun to mark his special 25th anniversary celebrations. Year 1 made him a special card which we presented to him at our Friday assembly. We really appreciate having such a special priest to help us grow closer to God. Congratulations Fr Shaun.

This weekend is also a special feast day in our church, the feast of Christ the King, the last year in our liturgical calendar. We think about why we call Jesus, our king and the many different titles we call Jesus such as “the King of Love” and the “King of the World.” Enjoy  the crowns we made to celebrate this important feast.

Our Learning in P.E. this week was all about group balances and working together.

Finally our week ended with a lovely visit from year 3 who shared their story writing with us about the Willow pattern plate.

On Wednesday, we will have a  ‘Come and Read’ session. This is a new initiative that will continue to take place every Wednesday at 3pm and is simply an opportunity to share a book with your child. Younger siblings are also invited and if you are unable to attend, grandparents or aunts and uncles are also very welcome to come in your place. Please do not feel any pressure to attend however- we understand that many of you have work commitments. Your child will still be able to enjoy a book with one of the class adults. It has been a great success in Reception for the last few weeks.

Home Learning – Complete the family tree sheet, spellings and practise the Christmas songs.

Enjoy your weekend and Fr Shaun’s celebrations as well.