Week 8

Welcome back. I hope that you enjoyed your time as a family over the break. It has been fantastic to hear about all the exciting things the children got up to.

This week in literacy, we began a poetry unit about a city at night. We have been looking at powerful vocabulary and in particular adjectives, verbs and use of personification, simile and metaphor. The children really enjoyed taking part in some readers’ theatre and performed stanzas of ‘Last Night, I saw the city breathing’ by Andrew Fusek Peters.

IMG_0331 IMG_0333 IMG_0334 IMG_0335 IMG_0336 IMG_0337 IMG_0338In numeracy, we began looking at common multiples. We have connected it to other areas of maths and represented them in a range of ways.

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Our computing learning on programming had us thinking about processes this week. We used flow charts to create algorithms for automated control systems. We were also able to create charts for everyday activities, such as making a cup of tea. We discovered they could range from very simple, to more complex.


In science, we turned our attention to forces. We went outside to see if we could demonstrate some forces.


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In our topic learning, we found out about Anglo Saxon village life. We then used this information to create a map of a Saxon village by using natural items found in our playground. See if your child can explain the key features to you.

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In R.E, we have been learning about Judaism. In particular, we have discovered more about Bar and Bat Mitzva. We compared this Jewish rite of passage with the sacrament of confirmation that we studied last half term.

Overall, this first week back has flown by. Not only did we take on a range of learning, but over half of the class represented the school by singing at the Royal Albert Hall. While they were signing their hearts out, the rest of us went to OLSV for All Saints’ Feat Day mass. I’m not sure how we managed to fit it all in a week! The children have been bubbling with excitement today about their weekend firework plans. As a more creative home learning, I have given the children the option of creating a firework poem. It would be great to see them using the poetic features we have discussed this week to describe this wonderfully sensory event.

Family home learning!

Today we dug over our Year 5 garden in preparation for planting on Monday. Many of the children have told me that they have keen gardeners at home and they would like to design it with you. We have some spring bulbs and need a plan for where we should plant them. See the link below to view the selection we have. I look forward to seeing the designs. The theme of the garden is ‘Resurrection’ as they should flower in time for Easter.


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Home learning


Maths book 5- Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Pg 19 and 20.

Maths book 4- Counting in multiples. Page 6

Dividing by 10 and 100. Pg 36 and 37

Reading comprehension.

Spellings- Suppose, surprise, therefore, although, thought, through, various, weight, women.

We are now at the end of our year 3/4 word list and so there are only 9 spellings this week.