Week 7: 18th October, 2019
This week we have continued to enjoy writing towards our non-chronological report on Joan Procter. The children have been adding subordinating conjunctions and relative clauses to improve their writing further.
In RE we have been looking at the importance of being a missionary as this is the extraordinary month of mission. They have been discussing about prayer and how they pray. The children have also examined the rosary as another way to show the importance of prayer and have created some lovely pictures about the various mysteries.
In Maths the children have continued with practising their timetables and moved from rounding to a strategy called ‘think 10’ to assist them in solving addition and subtraction calculations.
There’ll be more of this in the week to come.
In History, the children have learnt about Roman Roads and were fascinated in plotting the major roads that were built by the Romans using an atlas.
Home Learning is based on our focus for One World Week: Madagascar. Please encourage your child to research things about this country and create either an information poster, fact file or leaflet of their choice. There is no Mathletics set for this week or Spag.com.
As was mentioned to you during Parent Consultations a link to pay for the timetables booklet has been organised.
The cost of the book is £1.00.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara