Week 6: 11th October

This week in Year 4 we have continued with our focus on Joan Procter the Dragon Doctor.  The children have examined and researched about her life as they will be writing their own Non-Chronological Report about Joan next week.  In grammar, they have been working on understanding the use of factual adjectives and fronted adverbials which they will use in their writing also.

In Maths, we are continuing with the work on rounding to the nearest 10/100/1000.

In Science, the children have continued with their work on investigating sound using balloons, tuning forks, metre sticks and tennis balls!

In History, the children did a role play activity on Emperor Claudius to find out why he decided to leave sunny Italy and invade cold, wet Britain!  They were to act as advisers to Claudius and convince him to invade. Mrs Heymoz was  in the hot seat as Emperor Claudius and was delighted by their reasons for invasion.

This afternoon, the children took turns to use our new climbing frame and it went down a treat!  Thank you to FOPPS and all parents who have helped in raising money through the various events during the year.  It will be an added bonus to our play times.

Home Learning is:

Mathletics (Rounding) and SPAG (Fronted Adverbials).

The children will be having their spelling test on Monday on the following words:

buy, by, reign, rain, flour, flower, great, grate, cereal, serial.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara  Ms Varga