Week 4
This week we have practised adding and subtracting 10 from any number. We have also continued working hard to learn our 3 time tables and our mental fluency.
In English we have been writing expanded noun phrases, ready to use them in our narrative next week.
During PE we have used our throwing, catching an dodging skills to play tag rugby. In Science we have researched interesting facts about sunflowers and used our estimation skills to guess the height and number of seeds on the largest sunflower in our garden.
Please look out for awards in the Newsletter!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Pringle
Home learning
Spelling – adding ed and ing
Follow this link https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/89/12-Adding-ed-ing-er-and-est-to-a-root-word-ending-in-y-with-a-consonant-before-it to practice – these are Y2 spelling words but have been chosen to close the gaps.
Mathletics and Study Ladder activities have been set and all accounts have been checked in class – please let me know on Monday if you have any issues accessing the set activities from home.
Please complete 5 quizzes on read theory – the comprehension adjusts itself automatically according to how the children perform during the quizzes. I am able to check this online too.
Please read with your child and encourage them to log their reading in their record, commenting on what they enjoyed. Please sign and return reading book and records on Thursdays.