Week 2
In Maths, we have been learning about money. The children have been making different amounts, remembering that we can only use the numbers on the coins 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p.
In Religion, the children wrote a prayer to St Joseph and have been listening to stories from Mark’s Gospel that are read at church during Holy Week.
We have wonderful inventors in the classroom and the children worked like our building learning power ant when they planned their own playgrounds. The children then followed their designs to begin making their playground equipment.
We have continued to complete a daily mile and in PE we were learning about changing direction and running at speed. Please have old trainers or boots for next week.
On Friday, we celebrated Red Nose Day. The children looked great in red or with their noses on. We had fun listening to the children’s jokes and discussing how laughter is good for our wellbeing. We did our daily mile with a ball on a spoon.
Home Learning
Please listen to your child read and sign the reading record. Passwords for Collins is on your child’s stream on google classroom.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Carey