Week 2

What a busy week! The children have settled well and are following the routines in Year 1.

Thank you to Mark’s dad for making us a wonderful kitchen for our outdoor area.

In PE the children practised their throwing and catching skills.

In RE we looked at our mission prayer and discussed what each part means. The children strive to care and respect each and they shared their talents with the class.

In Maths the children used mathematical vocabulary to describe the position of different objects. We are beginning to learn left and right so please practise at home.

Our Author this month is Julia Donaldson. We read the story Monkey Puzzle. The children made story maps to retell the story and painted wonderful pictures of the animals. If you have any story by Julia Donaldson, please read them to your child.


We had great fun outdoors looking at the beautiful flowers and vegetables. The children did an observational drawing of a sunflower and labelled the different parts. We pulled and pulled the huge sunflower out of the soil and measured the height using different children. The sunflowers were two taller children or two and a half smaller children long.

Home Learning

The children received a folder with Year 1 common exception words,  phonics mats for Phase 2, 3 and 5 and their Mathletics password. We assessed the children this week and I have highlighted the sounds your child can read and write. Please practise the sounds your child does not know. The children have their new reading books. At this time of year we are consolidating their learning and building their confidence so they develop a love of reading. In the front of your child’s reading record I have highlighted the tricky words your child can read. Please practise reading the words not highlighted. If your child can read all of the tricky words, please practise spelling them. I have also included spellings for this term. We will test the children each Wednesday.  In Religion we are learning about how the church welcomes new members. If your child was baptised, please could you send a photo of their baptism that we can stick into their book. Write their name on the back of the photo.

Here are some songs to help your child to learn the tricky words.




Thank you for your support

Mrs Carey