Week 14 and Week 15
Although we have had snow, frost and rain over the last few weeks, the children have approached their work with eagerness and focus! Well done.
Using the snow as a stimulus, the children were set a task. At the beginning of the week, after our day off school, I asked the class to think about whether putting a coat on a snowman would make the snowman melt more slowly or more quickly. Most children were all very sure that the snowman would melt more quickly with his coat on. Coats are lovely and warm, and usually heat melts the snow. Most of the class thought the same thing. We created a snowman alongside another created by the children in Year 3. Year 3 dressed their snowman whilst we left our snowman as he was. After leaving the snowmen for a day, we could see that coats are good insulators and will keep us nice and warm when it is cold outside, but if a coat is put on a snowman, the coat will stop the warmer air getting at the snowman. So having a coat would actually keep the snowman colder for longer, and so he would be slower to melt! Try it for yourself if the snow appears again over the holidays!
The children have produced wonderful presentations on Christmas customs and we listened to some of them. I am planning to allocate more time for the rest of the class to present theirs at the start of the new term. The pantomime of Cinderella last Friday was enjoyed and loved by all (Oh yes it was!) – thank you to those of you who came and assisted us.
Have a wonderful Christmas and every blessing for the New Year.
Thank you again for the generous gifts that you have given to myself, Miss Varga, Mrs Moccia and Mrs Vieyra.
See you On Thursday 4th January!
Mrs McNamara
Building our snowman
Also, we watched the Guitar Concert on Monday and saw how the children who play the guitar have developed their talents over this term.