Summer 2 Week 5
This week we have continued to solve problems involving multiplication. We have been using a variety of resources to make arrays. We have used cereal, counters and play dough to practically make arrays.
On Monday we had our first transition morning into Year 2. The children enjoyed their time in Year 2 with their new teacher Miss Davey.
In Religion we have been learning about how we can be a good neighbour like the good Samaritan. The children painted beautiful pictures about the story of the Good Samaritan.
In History we have been learning about Kings and Queens in the past. We painted pictures and made a timeline.
In Science we have been observing how cress grows. We decided to investigate different ways of growing cress, some with and without water or sunlight. We recorded the changes each day. We have planted sunflowers in our class garden and we sketched them. Look at our lovely lettuce growing in the playground. We drew the lettuce seeds then we drew what the lettuce looked like now.
In our PE lessons, the children have been practising their running, throwing and jumping reading for Sports Day. Sports Day is on Tuesday 9th July followed by a picnic. Please check your child has their full PE kit in school and a sun hat.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Carey