Week 11: 24th November

This week, the children have continued their work in English based on the wonderful story of Traction Man.  They have spent several days writing their own recounts and editing their work.  We have been delighted by their wonderful writing and how they have worked well together assisting one another in our editing sessions.

In RE we have learnt more about Lectio Divina (the process of praying with scripture) and how we can learn more about God’s love for us through reading His Word.

In ICT we have continued learning about programming and finding out more about how we can write our own algorithms.

A number of children took part in the Sports afternoon at Dame Alice Owen.  Our Year 3 and 4 team came 2nd overall which was a great result.  Well done!

That same afternoon, the Year 3 and 4 children came together to work together and one of the activities they did was play Maths Games.  Again, it was lovely for me to watch the children play together, building self-concept and developing positive attitudes towards mathematics. 

On Friday afternoon, our Main Hall was transformed into an art gallery and the children really enjoyed looking at their wonderful art work.

Have a lovely weekend.

Homework: please click here The Angel Gabriel Words

Home Learning

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