Week 10
All different. All Equal
This week in Year 5, we have taken part in anti bullying week. On Monday, we began by celebrating our differences. The children created mini books that their classmates filled with positive messages. Watching the children read these was a real joy and I wish I could have captured all of their facial expressions on camera. They were truly filled with happiness and felt incredibly valued. Not only did they enjoy the aspect of receiving the compliments, they discussed how much they enjoyed building each other up being the reason someone smiles.
On Tuesday, we took part in a class discussion about the times when people aren’t kind and at what point it becomes bullying. We explored ways of dealing with it and how we can support each other.
On Wednesday, they children used their knowledge of the Lectio Divina to listen to, mediate, pray and reflect on a piece of Scripture about not judging others. They considered how they would apply it to their everyday life to support the anti bullying message.
On Thursday, we turned our attention to cyber bullying. We looked at the impact of it and created posters that showed how we can help ourselves or others who are experiencing it.
Overall, the children showed great maturity and sensitivity to the issues we discussed.
Traction Man is Here!
Alongside the rest of the school, we have been looking at the book ‘Traction Man’ by Mini Grey. We have focussed on retelling the story through drama and story maps. We also empathised with our main character by holding a press conference for this fearless hero!
Have a great weekend
Mrs Lines
Home Learning
Spelling: Credible, edible, horrible, legible,possible, resistible, responsible, reversible, sensible, terrible and visible.
Book 4 – ‘Using times tables’ pg 22 and ‘Factor Pairs’ pg 24
There has been a little confusion about what maths work to cover! Last time, I referenced incorrect page numbers. Some children completed the task based on the page, and others based on the title. I will list below the titles and pages that need to be covered. Children can complete the activities they did not do last week.
Book 5-
‘Multiples’ pg 18.
‘Factors and Primes’ pg 19 and 20
‘Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000’ pg 21 and 22.