Week 1 Summer 1

Happy Easter! I hope you had a wonderful holiday.

This week the children listened to Luke’s account of the Resurrection and retold it from a character’s point of view. Thank you for the beautiful Easter gardens that the children made. Please send your garden in next week if you have not already. The children made posters to celebrate the resurrection.

In English the children planned and wrote their own poems including powerful verbs, prepositions, adjectives and adverbs. We have added them to our display in class.

In Maths we have been making and drawing arrays to solve multiplication and division calculations. The children have been solving problems using their knowledge of timetable facts. Please practise recalling 3 and 4 timetables.

In Science, we investigated different materials to make black out curtains for a babies’ room. The children made predictions and wrote a conclusion about their results.

In Geography, the children have been learning about earthquakes.

Home Learning

Spelling https://spellingframe.co.uk/

nicely, lately, closely, funnily, luckily, gently, randomly, simply, humbly, basically, frantically, dramatically


Mathletics Complete the activities


Timetables https://ttrockstars.com/


Geography Over the next few weeks the children will be learning about volcanoes. Please make a volcano and bring it into class by Tuesday 3rd May

Click volcanoes for examples



Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey