Wednesday, 3rd June 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

We had another bright and sunny day yesterday.  Following Miss Pringle’s activity, we all achieved gold level in star jumps! What a way to start the day. Reading ‘The day Mum finally snapped’ was great fun as we recollected some memories of our own ‘surprises’ 🙂  We hope you liked the book too!

We added some more ideas to our Jar of Hopes and chose a second activity from the wider curriculum blog to complete.

Miss Pringle has also challenged us to a courgette growing competition, which we are completing in class. If you would like to join us in this endeavour from home, you could grow other vegetables in a pot and send us photo updates.

See whose courgette grows bigger!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

PE Click here for your Active June worksheet
Morning Prayer

Find a quiet place to sit and reflect…

Almighty and merciful Father, who show your love to all your creation.

We come before you asking for a quick control of the Coronavirus currently ravaging our world.

Hear graciously the prayers we make for those affected by the virus in various parts of the world.

Grant healing to the sick, eternal life to the dead and consolation to the bereaved families.

We pray that an effective medicine to combat the sickness be speedily found.

We pray for the relevant governments and health authorities that they take appropriate steps for the good of the people.

Look upon us in your mercy and forgive us our failings.












Read Theory


Reading Log

Did you enjoy the book link from yesterday?

We have found another interesting book.  As you know things about electricity, you may find other facts to add to your understanding! Click on the book to open it!


Log onto Read theory and complete at least 5 exercises


What are you reading?  Have you been updating your reading log?

Post us a picture of your reading logs!!  We would love to hear about your current book you are reading.


Word List: accident, accidentally, address, answer, appear,
arrive, believe, bicycle, actual and actually.

Create word cards using these spellings. On one side of a piece of paper write down each spelling (you might want to use a highlighter to highlight the tricky parts to that particular word), on the other side of the piece of paper you can add a small picture or clue that will remind you of the word and its spelling.

Maths Today you are going to look at division.

Video 1: Divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.

Click here for the worksheet          Click here for the answers.

Video 2: Dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number

Click here for the worksheet         click here for the answers.


English Click here for today’s learning
Wider Curriculum

Choose one activity to complete this afternoon from the Curriculum Blog.
Do tell us how you get on!
The focus of these activities is ‘Viewpoints’.