Wednesday 1st April
Good Morning Year 4!
Well, what can we say! We really enjoy receiving emails from you telling us all about the lovely things that you have been up to. Thank you to those children who have already entered the Eggtastic Competition that the Herts Maths Team have set! Keep sending in your entries please. Here’s a snap shot of some of the work that you have been sending into us.
I hope that you enjoyed doing the Dragon Tangram!
These are the answers for Day 7 Answers. Yesterday, I uploaded a message from Fran Khaliq. Please read her message below. It would be lovely if you are able to print off the sheet, colour it in and put it on a window in your house as a sign of unity in our Our Lady and St Vincent’s Parish!
OL&SV Poster to colour and display
Message from Francesca Khaliq, Our Lady & St Vincent’s Parish
Dear Parents,
You may have noticed some lovely displays around of posters of rainbows in windows in the local area. This gave me an idea that we could also display something in the window, as a sign of unity of Our Lady & St Vincent’s parish community. So please see attached an A4 poster, that you can print out and then the children can colour it in and then display in the window at home. Please pass it on to anyone else you know who are parishioners, it would be a wonderful sign of unity to have as many of these posters displayed in Potters Bar and surrounding areas. The children could even write their names on it, or a small prayer (on the bottom left or right-hand corners), anything they want to.
I will be out on my daily exercise walk tomorrow morning and it would be wonderful to see some of these posters up, so get printing and colouring in!
Please keep safe and well.
God bless,
A daily reminder: you can keep in contact with Miss Dunning and I by sending us an email to: and we will endeavour to answer your query as soon as we can.
Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day.
Have a lovely day.
Here is today’s learning:
Maths worksheet on regrouping RE worksheet