Wednesday, 10th June 2020

Dear Year 4,

It has been lovely to hear from many of you and find out how you are enjoying this week’s learning.

If a video/worksheet is on the blog and you have done it before, we would like you to do it again as it is a good opportunity to revisit your understanding and consolidate it.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga


PE Click here for your Active June worksheet. How many gold levels could you complete? Let us know!

If you enjoy the Joe Wicks workout, please continue to have fun with his daily workout.

Morning Prayer
Heavenly Father,

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Your word teaches me wisdom and fills me with newness of life.

As I come to you today, I bring my needs to you. Help me to lay down all my problems at your feet.

Lord, I am seeking your peace and your patience in these difficult times. I want to learn to wait patiently for you to bring your answer to my prayers.

Thank you for your word.












Read Theory


Reading Log

Did you enjoy the book links from yesterday? We hope it helped in your research! Today’s book is yet another one linked to Zoos but this time a fiction story.



Log onto Read theory and complete at least 5 exercises


What are you reading?  Have you been updating your reading log?  Post us a picture of your reading log.  We would like to award some reading certificates to those of you who are regularly updating your logs!



Word list: calendar, breathe, build, busy, business, caught, centre, century, certain

Create word cards: on one side of a piece of paper write out the words- use highlighter pens to highlight tricky parts- then draw or write clues on the other side to remind you of the spellings.

Use the cards to practice in the coming weeks (you can keep them in an envelope)


Maths Video 1: Fractions

Click here for the worksheet         click here for the answers


Video 2: Tenths as Decimals

Click here for the worksheet     click here for the results


English Click here for today’s learning, which is centred around foxes.

You will look at poems about these beautiful animals and think about descriptive phrases. There is also a video link to prompt your thinking.

Mental Health ActivitiesCommemorating Mental Illness Awareness Week - Psychiatry Advisor

Music –

  RE Task         Focus: Pope Francis: A person living the spirit of Pentecost

Complete the RE activity for today: Activity 1

Read the sayings of Pope Francis  and choose the saying you like best. Copy it into your book. Draw pictures around it showing how people in your family live by this ‘rule’.  Look at the Pope Francis Blog to see the sayings and choose your favourite one.


Choose one activity to complete this afternoon from the Mental Health Activity sheet.

Click here for ideas.

Do tell us how you get on!

Commemorating Mental Illness Awareness Week - Psychiatry Advisor


Music:   Today is Well being Wednesday – ‘When It’s A Sunny Day’ is the song for today!  This is a simple song that encourages us to make the most of our time. Whatever the weather this happy-go-lucky song is sure to put a smile on your face!                Enjoy!!