Thursday 7th May 2020
Good morning, Year 5.
Jamie B, Patrycja, Heather, Jamie H and Heston have sent me their altars for Mary. What lovely places to sit and be prayerful. Heston also sent his prayer asking for her support just as she supported Jesus.
Alexis has been very busy with his History project. Well done, Alexis. I can see how much time and research has gone into this!
Matthias and Patrycja have been creative and made their VE day flag celebration art. Be sure to display it for Friday! They capture the spirit of VE day perfectly.
I had a lovely message from Mrs McNamara yesterday afternoon to say that a visitor had dropped by at school with a treat.I was very disappointed to have missed it and I heard it was delicious. Thank you, Emilia.
As tomorrow is a bank holiday, no learning will be uploaded. I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating 75 years since VE day. Remember the silence at 11am and I hope your artwork from Wednesday will be up in your window. If you are still up at 9pm, do take pat in the sing along of ‘We’ll meet again’. Be sure to send me pictures of the things you get up to.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Lines
Here is your learning for today: 7th May
Here is the example of a biography:Example biography
Home Olympics:Olympic Challenge Day 4