Thursday 27th June, 2024

Good morning and welcome to Pope Paul School.

Cultural Integration at Pope Paul School


9am 9:10am 9:30am 10 -10:30am 11:00am

Enter by the Main School Entrance

Greeted by the office staff















Taken to Year 6 classroom to leave belongings and choose lunch preference for lunch.


Lunch Options are:

Favourite Quorn Hotdog (vegetarian)

Cheesy Spring Vegetable Bake (vegetarian)

Jacket Potato (Various Toppings)

Cheese Baguette (vegetarian)














Go into Year 6 and meet with Mrs McNamara and Mrs Moccia


Tour of school by Year 5 pupils.














Geography:  Looking at National Parks across the UK

Click here


Click here for the Map to examine

Activity Sheet Click here



Break at 10:30am














William Wordsworth (poet)



Back to class to do

SATs Paper and Arithmetic

Mark Scheme

Reasoning Paper  page 22

Arithmetic  Paper   page  17

Discuss re the outcomes expected for children at 11 years of age compared to pupils from China at this age.

12:00 – 1:00pm 1:00 – 2:00pm 2-2:50pm 3:05pm 3:15pm
Lunch and mingle with students in








Art Work: Banksy: FOCUS

  1. Banksy
  2. Graffiti Activity
  3. Letter Resource

Activity: Create your own TAG.







Play rounders with Year 5 on school field.






Return to classroom, pick up belongings and Goodbye.

Photo opportunity.







School finishes



Leaving by coach  (TBC)