Thursday 26th March 2020
Good Morning Year 2,
I hope you all had a great day yesterday and that you all managed to safely enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine. Thank to everyone who has emailed me and shared their wonderful learning. I am very impressed! Keep up the good work and keep the emails coming. You know where to find me …
In the table below you will find today’s learning activities.
Have a lovely day!
Miss Davey
Subject | Activity |
Prayer | Lenten Prayer for Thursday 26th March
God our Father, sometimes I find it hard to make time to contemplate the wonder and beauty of the world you have created. Yet I know that you are the Creator of all that is. Inspire in me a gratitude for your great gifts and lead me to care for your creation. Amen. |
Compose a sentence for five of the spellings words and write your sentences in your handwriting book.
shiny Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read. You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Oxford Owl website: Username:popepaul2020 Password:Ilovereading2020 Use the Class Login area. |
26-03-2020 Morning Challenge Fluency 5 x 2____ _____= 15 – 2 90 – 80 = ____ WALT: Solve a reasoning problem. Who am I?
Use the clues to work out who I am??? Remember to explain your reasoning. Explain who I could not be and why? If you need some help you can use the question prompts below.
Extension challenge: Write your own clues for one of the frogs. |
Thursday 26th March 2020 Record your answers in your lined writing book. Remember to write full sentences.
Extension Challenge: When you think of sunflowers what adjectives pop into your head? List as many adjectives as you can think of for sunflowers in your writing book. List some of your adjectives in a sentence. Don’t forget your commas! Example: Sunflowers are tall, bright and cheerful.
Religion | 26th March 2020
WALT: Know about the events of Palm Sunday according to Matthew’s Gospel. Palm Sunday: The Entrance into Jerusalem Mt 21:1-11 Read Matthew’s account of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. See link below. Watch the following video about Palm Sunday. Write a retell of the Palm Sunday events from Matthew’s Gospel in your own words. Remember to Identify: · Setting – where does the story take place? · Characters – who are the people in the story? · Events – what happens in the story – First, Next, Then, After that, Finally |