Thursday 16th July 2020

Good morning Year 2,

Dr. Seuss said it best… ‘Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.’

This is our last day together in Year 2. It has been a privilege and a pleasure being your teacher.

I am very proud of you all. I know that you will all achieve great things in the future!

A big THANK YOU to all the parents for your continued support throughout this year.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday!

Take care and God bless.

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Thursday 16th July

Prayer for the end of the school year.

At the end of this school year
we give thanks to God:
For all the teaching and learning
that has taken place in our school,
both in and out of the classroom,
For the talents and gifts that have
been shared and the challenges
that have been faced;
For the burdens that have been lifted
and the hurts that have been healed;
For the respect and care that has been given.
We give thanks for the friendships
that have just begun
and for those that have grown.
For the faith that has been lived
in our daily struggles,
For the hope that has lifted
our hearts on the dark days
And for the love that has kept us going.
Bless our families as we take our holidays,
may our time together leave us
with memories to cherish.
Pour out your love on us
that we may return renewed and refreshed
to continue our journey together .
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

Spelling &
Common Exception Words
Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 16-07-2020

Emoji Addition and Subtraction

English Thursday 16th July 2020
Wider Curriculum
It’s Computing Week this week.  Click here to see the activities to complete.