Thursday, 11th June 2020

Dear Year 4,

Again, thank you for your emails and sharing your home learning.  We LOVE to hear from you!  Each day, we are attaching a song to sing at the end of your home learning and these are catchy tunes to follow using you tube.  Do tell us how you get on.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga

PE Click here for your Active June worksheet. How many gold levels could you complete? Let us know!If you enjoy the Joe Wicks workout, please continue to have fun with his daily workout.
Morning Prayer
Dear Lord,

As we rise to meet each new day, please let us be filled with Your spirit. Wherever we go, let us spread love, joy, peace, goodness, and faithfulness. Let us desire to become more like you and to worship you in all we do. Let us be strengthen by your Word . Thank you for always going before us.

In Jesus’ Name,















Read Theory


Reading Log

Did you enjoy the book links from yesterday? Today, following the themes of animals, we would like you to look at how you can help animals. Have a look!



We also encourage you to take part in the Herdfordhire Libraries Summer reading challenge!

Log onto Read theory and complete at least 5 exercises.


What are you reading?  Have you been updating your reading log?  Post us a picture of your reading log.  We would like to award some reading certificates to those of you who are regularly updating your logs!



Word list: calendar, breathe, build, busy, business, caught, centre, century, certain

Please use the link to practice and test yourself on this week’s words, in preparation for tomorrow’s dictation.

Video 1:  Fractions greater than 1
Click here for the worksheet      Click here for the answers
Video 2: Equivalent Fractions (part 3)
Click here for the worksheet            click here for the answers


English Click here for today’s learning.

You will look at picture clues and think about descriptive phrases about the sea.




Mental Health Activities

Commemorating Mental Illness Awareness Week - Psychiatry Advisor








Commemorating Mental Illness Awareness Week - Psychiatry Advisor

Choose one activity to complete this afternoon from the Mental Health Activity sheet.

Click here for the ideas.

Do tell us how you get on!


Music – End of the Day Song

Thinking Thursday
The Tongue

This song has a message to challenge us all! A song to promote plenty of thinking about how we speak and the powerful effect our words can have, for good or otherwise.

Possible music activities about the tongue to do with your family …click here