About Us
Thank you for visiting our website. I hope you will spend a few minutes to browse through our pages and feel inspired by our children. We think they are all very special and we cherish each one’s uniqueness.
Pope Paul is a voluntary aided school set in pleasant surroundings in Potters Bar. We have close links to the parish of Our Lady and St Vincent’s in Mutton Lane, but take children from a wide area around Potters Bar and Barnet.
In our school we:
- Welcome everyone
- Value, respect and celebrate the diverse talents and abilities of everyone in our school community
- Seek to provide high quality education, based on the Gospel values of Jesus Christ
- Develop children as ‘life long learners’ so they can make a real contribution to the world
We would be delighted to see you for a visit. Please contact our school office to make an appointment.
Mrs Helen Lines