Summer Term Week 6 w.b. 23.05.2022

Year 1 progressed on to counting in multiples of 5’s and 10’s this week. We counted in multiples, matched the total with coins, wrote multiplication number sentences, drew arrays, wrote repeated addition sentences and drew around the coins required to solve multiplication problems. Please continue to support your child to count in 2s, 5s and 10s to build up their fluency. Mathletics has been set to support this learning.

This week was our last week of revision before the phonic screening check w.b. 6th June. We revised all the tricky Ph5 sounds and read lots of real and nonsense words to see if we could spot the sounds.  Please continue to encourage your child to spot the digraphs and then sound the words to blend when reading the lists of words sent home today.

On Friday we met with our Year 4 prayer partners to gift them out prayer cards we made on Spirituality day Thursday 26th. We looked at different representations of the Accession through art and Year 6 led us in prayer circles.

Year 1 are to continue to wear their P.E. kits on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Enjoy the half term and see you all Monday 6th June.

Miss Lambie


Celebrations and Kings and Queens learning:

Here’s to the Queen!

Enjoying cake and drinks