Summer Term Week 5 w.b. 16.05.2022
Year 1 began this week by learning to skip count. They counted in multiples of 2s, matched the total with coins, wrote multiplication number sentences, drew arrays, wrote repeated addition sentences and drew around the 2p coins we used to gain a secure understanding of what multiplication is. Please continue to support your child to count in 2s. Next week we will be counting in 5s and 10s. Mathletics has been set to support this learning.
The children continued to revise Phase 5 alternative sounds to consolidate their learning. Please continue to use Spelling Frame to revise the sounds and we have been ‘phoneme spotters’ this find in seeking out sounds in everything we read.
This week our focus was:
o-e, oa, oe
u-e, ue, ew, oo, ou (group,soup)
ur, er, ir
or, au, aw
Next week will be the last week of revision before the phonic screening check w.b. 5th June. Please continue to encourage your child to spot the digraphs and then sound the words to blend.
Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Monday and Wednesday now.
The children had a rather soggy start to their cricket lesson on Friday but felt better when they returned to class for a warm hot chocolate and marshmallows! They listened and followed instructions well. They warmed up with their favourite ‘domes and dishes’ game, bounced the ball to catch it with the cone, throw it above their heads to catch it in their cones, worked well with partners to throw and catch, and they loved the last game where they tried to bowl the ball to knock the stumps down.
Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend,
Miss Lambie