Summer Term Week 4 w.b. 09.05.2022

The children enjoyed learning about money this week. They were learning how to recognise, order, compare, add and even exchange different amount of coins. Please continue to support your child with exploring money at home and using the Mathletics games.

The children have completed their Phase 5 phonics and are now revising all the alternative sounds to consolidate their learning. Please continue to use Spelling Frame to revise the sounds and we have been ‘phoneme spotters’ this find in seeking out sounds in everything we read.

This week our focus was: e, ee, e-e, ea, ey and i, ie, igh, i-e,

Thank you for attending the Parent Phonic meeting on Monday 9th May. I hope the handouts were useful for when you are supporting the learning at home. Handouts have been sent home with the children for those who were unable to attend.

The children have been recording their incorrect and tricky spellings this week on a blank game board. They are bringing it home today to share it with you and to use those spellings to make their game. Next week we hope to send home their most recent story to share with you.

The children have examples of the Phonic Screening Check words to read with you and tick or colour them when they get them correct. It will be good to add sound buttons to them so you can see if they are identifying the diagraphs and blends. I do not need these back as they are for home use to support your child in revising their sounds for their Phonic Screening Check w/c 6th June. I will continue to send home a different set of words each week.

Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Monday and Wednesday now.

The children enjoyed learning how to control their tennis balls and adjusting their grip on the racket this week.

Thank you for all the birthday messages and gorgeous flowers.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend,
Miss Lambie