Summer 2 week 2 w.b 10.6.24
This week has been ‘Healthy Eating Week: Give it a Go!’ and in Year 1 the class have been busy learning all about how to keep their bodies healthy!
- Get at least 5 A DAY
- Stay hydrated
- Move more
- Focus on fibre
- Reduce food waste
On Monday and Tuesday, we talked about the importance of fruit and vegetables in our diets. We cut up a variety of fruits and looked inside the fruits to see what seeds we could find. The children could talk about the differences and similarities between the fruits, We made a fruit salad to share together. Thank you to Ellie and Daniele who brought in home grown cherries and strawberries to share with their friends.
On Wednesday, we talked about the importance of keeping our bodies hydrated. We used fruit and mint to flavour our water and set up a hydration station for children to help themselves to water throughout the day.
On Thursday the focus was on fibre. The children were given flash cards to learn about the amount of fibre we can find in different foods. They sorted them from the highest to the lowest.
Finally, on Friday the focus was to reduce waste. The children looked at different foods and decided if it was food ‘waste’ or food ‘wasted’
Home Learning – Due Friday
Please complete the Healthy Eating survey.
Mathletics – complete the activities set.
Spellings – practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday.
Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.
Reminder, sports day is on Tuesday 18th June at 9.30am.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes