Spring Term Week 2 wb 17.01.22

In our R.E. topic ‘Being a Sacramental People’ we discussed how God is present in the world all around us even though we cannot physically see him. We drew around our hands and wrote inside them how we know God is present in our lives. The children cut them out to make a display and added their title.

This week we started our poetry unit and our first poem was titled ‘Winter’. We enjoyed learning the poem to read aloud at the end of the week. We were able to discuss the poem, think of a suitable title and draw illustrations to reflect the poem.

Our Maths lessons this week have been very practical as we used the resources so find part/ whole of calculation and understand how this can support us in solving addition and subtraction calculations.

This week Year 1 started their first gymnastics lesson and were amazing at finding a safe space to learn and learning how to control their balances with a partner.  I even spotted them trying during their playtime!

Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Lambie

Home learning

  • English– The children have a copy of the poem they were learning this week so they can perform it to their families over the weekend. Please may the children look on their bookshelves and bring in any poetry texts that they would like to share during class story time.
  • Whole School R.E. home learning- please see the latest newsletter or the link below.

220121 Whole-school RE learning letter – Hinduism