Spring Term Week 2 w.b. 16th January 2023
In Science Year 1 have been using their knowledge to identify and describe different birds. They enjoyed looking at the pictures, videos and hearing the bird song from this website:
Phonics Screening Test w.b. 12th June 2023
Please see your child’s bag for information and their latest mock result and a roll and read nonsense game to play. Past papers can be found at this website:
Year 1 will have P.E. on Tuesdays (gymnastics) and Fridays (invasion games).
In Maths Year 1 have worked hard on their tens and ones to make two-digit numbers and also begin to spell the numbers in words. Mathletics has been set to practise.
Phonic sounds learnt this week available on Spelling Shed: i-e, e-e, o-e, u-e split diagraphs
Enjoy the weekend,
Miss Lambie
- Please may children have their reading books in their bags every day.
- Please can you spare any boxes of tissues.