Spring Term Week 12 28.03.22

This week Year 1 began their new Geography unit on ‘Where do we live?’ They were surprised to find out that no everyone lives in Potters Bar!

Year 1 learned Luke’s Gospel scriptures for The Last Supper and Good Friday. They were very respectful as we learnt about Holy Week and Easter Sunday and how important this time of year is to our faith.

The children were excited to get to the end of their Phase 5 phonics learning and have been learning what the word ‘revision’ means. We will be revising all of the sounds learned after the Easter holidays.

The children enjoyed setting up their tuff spot for the season of Spring.

Please see today’s newsletter for a Whole School Home learning project for Easter.

Wishing you a restful Easter break and see you all on Tuesday 19th April for the start of our Summer Term!

Miss Lambie