Spring Term 2 Week 1
On Tuesday, Year 2 and 3 were invited to watch a gymnastics and dance show at Dame Alice Owen. The children enjoyed the show, and it was wonderful to see them dancing in the playground after. Then we made pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.
On Wednesday, the children went to church to celebrate Ash Wednesday. They sang and responded beautifully. The children thought about how they are going to journey with Jesus to the cross. They added these to the school display on Friday during assembly.
In Maths, the children have been learning about angles. The children went on an angle walk using a right-angle finder to identify objects with right angles. They made shapes and identified whether they had right angles, acute angles or obtuse angles. We have also been solving problems, identifying the start, the change and the result of a problems. The children have been drawing bar models to solve problems.
In English, we started a new unit of persuasive writing. We read the story Stella and the Seagull and identified how she persuaded people to make a difference to the environment. The children thought about what people thought of Stella and how Stella felt about herself following her wonderful ideas. Then the children wrote a persuasive letter to their parents to try to persuade them to let them stay up later at night. They thought carefully about reasons to encourage parents to think about it.
In Science, we did an investigation to find out how permeable soil is.
Home Learning
Spellings -complete spelling shed and practise words in their handwriting book. | arrival, burial, comical, emotional, national, magical, personal, optional, survival, tropical |
Timestables | Practise using timetable rockstars. |
Mathsletics | Complete the activities |
Read Theory | Complete two activities |
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Carey