Spring Term 2 week 1 w.b. 20th February

Religious Education

This week we marked the start of a new season in our Liturgical year; The Season of Lent.

The children learnt that during Lent Catholics reflect and try to grow closer to God and Jesus through prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

They made a Lenten promise which they offered up during Friday’s assembly.

Your child has come home with a footprint template for them to make a Lenten promise to keep at home.

Well done to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for leading their Ash Wednesday service this week.


Year 1 has been learning addition methods this week. Please see below for the methods taught that you can ask the children about and practise at home.

Next week we will move on to subtraction methods.


The children enjoyed learning the poem ‘Silver Speck’ about a mouse and worked hard to gather their ideas to change the poem to be about a squirrel.

We wrote one as a class and then the children chose their favourite ideas to write their own poem about a squirrel.

Phonic sounds taught this week:

‘naughty y stealing the ‘i’ and ‘e’

Addition home learning sheets sent home this week:

Maths- consolidation of doubles/ odds and evens from last term

Handwriting- some tricky words to practise with the correct letter formation and height of letters in preparation to begin pre-cursive handwriting after Easter.


Please do not allow Year 1 to bring in football cards from now on as they are causing great upset during playtimes, distractions during class and lots have gone missing.


Happy Friday, see you on Monday,

Miss Lambie 😀 🐝