Spring 2 Week 3
This week was National Science Week. We were busy all week being Scientists!.
First we thought of questions we would like to ask about biscuits. Then we received a special job from Mrs Heymoz to find out the best biscuit for dunking. As a class we planned a fair test and found out Hobnobs were the best biscuits to dunk and Nice were the worst biscuits. We learnt about the scientist Donald Palmer and his work studying infections and how germs spread. We sprayed some blue water on paper and watched how the water spread like germs do. Mrs Worrell spoke to us about how she uses Science in her job as a nurse. We did many Explorify activities to develop our explanation and reasoning skills. The parents gave some good reasons on celebration morning.
On Friday, it was lovely to have the parents and grandparents in class. The children loved telling you about their learning and taking seeing you part in the cotton wool and water experiment.
Home Learning
Please write all number bonds to 10 and some to 20.
Please practise reading the real and nonsense words.
Spellings—thief, chief, field, pie, cried, tried, dried, night, bright, light
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Carey