Spring 2, Week 3.

We have been learning about the beatitude mercy this week and discussed how we can show mercy to others. We have been creative in RE, using art and computer skills to create collages of the beatitudes – thank you to year 5 for supporting us with our computing.

We have also published our volcano writing and collected verbs, adjectives, nouns and similes about fireworks which we will be using to write poems next week.

New targets will be sent home next week on Friday – please check your child’s bag.

Home learning:

Spelling – words ending in gue and the sound spelt que.

league, plague, rogue, vague, fatigue, unique, antique, mosque, cheque, technique.

Science – We would like everyone to take part in the Big Garden Bird Watch. Your child has been given a data collection sheet and the newsletter has details about this whole school activity.

Please return your bird sheet on Wednesday. Spelling tests take place on Friday morning.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Pringle