Spring 2 Week 1
Welcome back! We have been busy this week preparing for Lent. At the start of the week we made our Lenten promises, then we took part in an Ash Wednesday Service at school. This gave us time to reflect on our promises and ask God to forgive our sins.
In Maths we have been using different strategies for addition. I have been very impressed with the reasoning children have used when explaining their mathematical thinking.
In English we have written list poems about our favourite colours. The children have been very imaginative and descriptive.
In Science we have looked closely at microhabitats in the school grounds. The children have enjoyed researching some of the minibeasts and plants they have found.
We were fortunate enough to be invited to watch the Dame Alice Owens Gym and Dance dress rehearsal on Tuesday. This was an inspirational way to conclude our gymnastics unit. We are now moving on to invasion games in PE.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle
Home learning
Spelling and handwriting – ‘ment’ and tricky words
excitement, enjoyment, placement, oh, they, with, people, could, would, some.
Maths – mathletics activities have been set.
English – please check your child’s bag for a spag.com letter with instructions and passwords. I have set two suffix activities online.