Spring 1, Week 6.

We visited the Jamia Mosque in Watford this week as part of our Other Faith week. While there we learnt many things about the Islamic faith; including how they prepare for prayer, how many times they pray a day and why they face Mecca when they pray. The children were very respectful on our visit and asked many interesting questions.

We have been busy in our class garden too; weeding and planting many bulbs. The children once again proved themselves to be responsible and displayed great team work when clearing the beds.

As part of E-Safety day, we read Troll Stinks, which is all about cyberbullying. We also wrote and created music on the i-pads for raps all about how to safe stay online.

Home learning:

As part of our Tin Forest writing project, a whole school home learning has been set – please check the newsletter for details. 

Please continue to read daily and record what has been read in reading records – the children can record their reading too. Please discuss and practice your child’s new targets with them over the holidays.

Have a restful half term holiday,

Miss Pringle