Spring 1 Week 2

The highlight of the week was our first swimming lesson. The children quickly got into groups and started their lesson. In PE we continued gymnastics, the children made sequences with their partners with spins and balances.

This week was Other Faith Week. Year 3 learnt about the beliefs of Hinduism. We discussed the similarities and differences with our beliefs. Then we learnt about the pilgrimages that Hindus go on. The children made a board game with the facts they learnt about a pilgrimage to Kumbh Mela.

In Maths, the children have been reading and interpreting bar graphs and tables. They have answered questions and compared the results.

In English, we finished reading The Finger Eater. The children wrote a letter as one of the characters, describing the events using evidence from the text. The children have developed their sentence structure by using adverbs and subordinating conjunctions. Next week, the children will be planning and writing their own version of the story.

In Art, we started with some mark making. Then the children walked around the classroom to appreciate other children’s learning.

In Science, we sorted rocks according to their properties.

Home Learning

Spellings Complete the spelling shed activities.

obey, prey, convey, survey, grey, osprey, disobey, they, surveyor, conveyor

Handwriting – write the spellings in their handwriting book then write at least 3 sentences with some of the spellings.

Mathletics Please complete activities
Timetables Practise 2, 5, 10 and 3. If you know these. Practise 4 and 8.
SPAG www.spag.com – complete the activity. Username and password is at the front of children’s reading book.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey