Spirituality Week Year 5

It has been a wonderful final week of the half term filled with stillness, reflection and celebration. It was fantastic to welcome Grandparents to our classroom on Monday and share with them our artwork, poems and prayers. We then joined with Year 1 and pledged to pray for our partner throughout the week.

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Year 5 also spent time thinking about the love in Jesus’ family by reading the story of the young Jesus at the temple. The children could relate to this story well and considered the emotions they would have felt. We also contemplated the big question, ‘what if we woke up today with only the things we said thank you for yesterday’. The children were shocked to see a list missing the most important things, like family and our homes.

On Thursday, Year 6 led us in prayer stations. The children acted with great reverence and enjoyed focusing their thoughts and prayers.

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We concluded the week with another celebration morning for parents. During this time, we wrote prayers for our family and decorated them.


I wish you a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing you all on the 4th of June for our final half term of year 5.


Mrs Lines