School Parliament
Our School Parliament is made up of our House Captains, Fairtrade and Liturgy Leaders from Year 6 and Sports Leaders.
In addition we have Fairtrade and Liturgy representatives from Years 2 to 5 who all take a role in representing their class in meetings.
The group meets regularly to make decisions about fund raising activities, to make suggestions about school events and to raise any issues that pupils would like considered to further develop the school.
School Parliament Members 2018/2019
House Captains
St Vincent
Olivia and Thomas
St Francis
Sophie T and Alex
St Louise
Kate and Jude
St Bernadette
Varun and Sofia
Year 1
Christoph and Isabelle
Year 2
Tymon and Violet
Year 3
Alice and Joseph D
Year 4
Angelo and Heather
Year 5
Giovanna and Jonathan
Congratulations to our new MPs!